What is Osteopathy?

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What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a whole body, holistic approach to healing and pain treatment.

Osteopathy treats not just the symptoms, but uses manual techniques to balance all the body systems, and to provide overall good health and wellbeing.

Bray Osteopathy and Sports Injury Clinic can help bring you back to health.

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What does osteopathy treat?

Osteopathy can be used to treat a wide range of issues inlcuding:

  • back pain, neck pain and pelvic pain, sciatica

  • hip, knee, ankle, and foot pain, including plantar fasciitis

  • hand, wrist, shoulder, and elbow pain

  • headaches and TMD (jaw pain)

  • tennis and golfer’s elbow

  • postural problems due to pregnancy, sports injury, driving or work strain, or digestive issues

  • neuralgia